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SATA 1005603 Air Vision 5000 air regulator set

SATA 1005603 Air Vision 5000 air regulator set

Includes SATA air vision 5000 hood, SATA air regulator belt, SATA air regulator High breathing air quality: The air supply independent of the ambient air eliminates all potential risks for the painter by contaminated spray booth air

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  • Includes SATA air vision 5000 hood, SATA air regulator belt, SATA air regulator
  • High breathing air quality: The air supply independent of the ambient air eliminates all potential risks for the painter by contaminated spray booth air
  • No inhalation resistance, very comfortable breathing
  • High level of protection, suitable for prolonged application interval
  • Non-reflecting view due to solvent-resistant special foil
  • Little operating costs, quick pay-off of purchase costs
  • Ergonomic design
  • Soft-stream flow-optimized air distribution in the hood
  • Large field of vision, maximum possible angle of 220
  • Reduced sound level 64dB
  • Rigid bump cap for safer work conditions
  • Replaceable visor foils allow unchanging clear view onto the workplace
  • Modular design allows for the adaption and upgrade of the new belt unit according to the job requirements. For instance, users have the choice to mount the air regulation unit on right or left of the belt unit
  • Optional Accessories: SATA air warmer, SATA air cooler and the SATA air humidifier

Additional information

Weight 5.1 lbs


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